Class StoryboardSprite

A storyboard sprite.

Hierarchy (view full)




anchor: Anchor

The anchor of the image on the screen.

color: Color4 = ...

Current color of this sprite.

commands: Command<any>[] = []

The list of commands of the storyboard element. This is not synchronized with timelineGroup as constantly updating it can be very expensive. If you need to update this array, use updateCommands.

endTime: number = -Infinity

The end time of the storyboard sprite.

filePath: string

The file path of the content of this storyboard sprite.

flipX: boolean = false

If this sprite is fliped horizontally.

flipY: boolean = false

If this sprite is fliped vertically.

isAdditive: boolean = false

If this sprite is using additive blending.

loops: CommandLoop[] = []

The list of command loops of the storyboard sprite.

origin: Origins

The origin of the image on the screen.

rotation: number = 0

Current rotation of this sprite.

scale: Vector2 = ...

Current scale of this sprite.

startPosition: Vector2

The relative start position of the storyboard sprite.

startTime: number = Infinity

The start time of the storyboard sprite.

timelineGroup: CommandTimelineGroup = ...

The list of commands of the storyboard sprite.

triggers: CommandTrigger[] = []

The list of command triggers of the storyboard sprite.



  • Creates a new instance of command trigger.


    • triggerName: string

      The name of the trigger.

    • startTime: number

      The start time of the command trigger.

    • endTime: number

      The end time of the command trigger.

    • groupNumber: number

      The group of the command trigger.

    Returns CommandTrigger