Enumeration Anchor

Origins of the storyboard sprite.

Enumeration Members

BottomCentre: 20
BottomLeft: 12
BottomRight: 36
Centre: 18
CentreLeft: 10
CentreRight: 34
Custom: 64

The user is manually updating the outcome.

TopCentre: 17
TopLeft: 9
TopRight: 33
x0: 8

The horizontal counterpart is at "Left" position.

x1: 16

The horizontal counterpart is at "Centre" position.

x2: 32

The horizontal counterpart is at "Right" position.

y0: 1

The vertical counterpart is at "Top" position.

y1: 2

The vertical counterpart is at "Centre" position.

y2: 4

The vertical counterpart is at "Bottom" position.