baseThe optional link to the base beatmap. Base beatmap is preferrable for beatmap converters.
Beatmap skin configuration.
Beatmap control points.
Beatmap difficulty.
Beatmap editor settings.
Beatmap events & Storyboard.
Beatmap file version.
The date when the beatmap file was updated last time.
Beatmap general info.
Beatmap hit objects.
Beatmap metadata.
Original gamemode of a beatmap before any conversions.
The most common BPM of a beatmap.
Maximal BPM of a beatmap.
Maximal BPM of a beatmap without any limits as it was in osu!stable. Usage of bpmMax is preferable when working with osu!lazer.
Minimal BPM of a beatmap.
Minimal BPM of a beatmap without any limits as it was in osu!stable. Usage of bpmMin is preferable when working with osu!lazer.
The most common BPM of a beatmap without any limits as it was in osu!stable. Usage of bpm is preferable when working with osu!lazer.
The ammount of hittable objects.
The ammount of holdable objects.
Playable beatmap length in milliseconds.
Beatmap gamemode.
The ammount of slidable objects.
The ammount of spinnable objects.
The total break time of a beatmap.
Total beatmap length in milliseconds.
A parsed beatmap.