Class BeatmapGeneralSection

A beatmap general section.



alwaysShowPlayfield?: boolean


audioFilename: string = ''

Location of the audio file relative to the current folder.

audioHash?: string


audioLeadIn: number = 0

Milliseconds of silence before the audio starts playing.

countdown: number = 1

Speed of the countdown before the first hit object. 0 = no countdown. 1 = normal. 2 = half. 3 = double.

countdownOffset: number = 0

Time in beats that the countdown starts before the first hit object.

epilepsyWarning: boolean = false

Whether or not a warning about flashing colors should be shown at the beginning of the map.

letterboxInBreaks: boolean = false

Whether or not breaks have a letterboxing effect.

overlayPosition: string = 'NoChange'

Draw order of hit circle overlays compared to hit numbers. NoChange = use skin setting. Below = draw overlays under numbers. Above = draw overlays on top of numbers.

previewTime: number = -1

Time in milliseconds when the audio preview should start.

sampleSet: SampleSet = SampleSet.Normal

Sample set that will be used if timing points do not override it (Normal, Soft, Drum).

samplesMatchPlaybackRate: boolean = false

Whether or not sound samples will change rate when playing with speed-changing mods.

skinPreference: string = ''

Preferred skin to use during gameplay.

specialStyle: boolean = false

Whether or not the "N+1" style key layout is used for osu!mania.

stackLeniency: number = 0.7

Multiplier for the threshold in time where hit objects placed close together stack (0–1).

storyFireInFront?: boolean


useSkinSprites: boolean = false

Whether or not the storyboard can use the user's skin images.

widescreenStoryboard: boolean = false

Whether or not the storyboard allows widescreen viewing.
