BASE_The approach rate of this beatmap.
The circle size of this beatmap.
The current state of this beatmap's clock rate.
The HP drain rate of this beatmap.
The overall difficulty of this beatmap.
The slider multiplier of this beatmap.
The slider tickrate of this beatmap.
Creates a copy of this beatmap difficulty section. Non-primitive properties will be copied via their own clone() method.
A copied information about control points.
rangeMaps a difficulty value [0, 10] to a two-piece linear range of values.
The difficulty value to be mapped.
Minimum of the resulting range which will be achieved by a difficulty value of 0.
Midpoint of the resulting range which will be achieved by a difficulty value of 5.
Maximum of the resulting range which will be achieved by a difficulty value of 10.
Value to which the difficulty value maps in the specified range.
The default value used for all difficulty settings except slider multiplier and slider tickrate.