A beatmap.
Mod combination.
Custom difficulty stats.
Overwrites difficulty stats of a beatmap with custom difficulty stats.
A beatmap.
Mod combination.
Custom difficulty stats.
Calculates difficulty attributes by ID, custom file or IBeatmap object.
Difficulty attributes request options.
Calculated difficulty attributes.
Calculates difficulty attributes by ID, custom file or IBeatmap object.
Difficulty attributes request options.
Calculated difficulty attributes.
Converts IBeatmap object to beatmap attributes.
IBeatmap object.
Converted beatmap attributes.
Converts IBeatmap object to beatmap information.
IBeatmap object.
Beatmap MD5 hash.
Converted beatmap info.
Factory of extended difficulty calculators.
IBeatmap object.
Ruleset instance.
Instance of extended difficulty calculator.
Downloads an osu! file by ID or URL.
Path to the file save location.
Download options.
Download result.
Tries to get max combo of a beatmap.
IBeatmap object.
Max combo of a beatmap or 0.
Tries to get mod combination from IBeatmap object.
IBeatmap object.
Mod combination or null.
Creates a new ruleset instance by its ID.
Ruleset ID.
Ruleset instance.
Converts ruleset name to ruleset ID.
Ruleset name.
Ruleset ID.
Calculates total hits of a beatmap.
IBeatmap object.
Total hits of a beatmap or 0.
Tries to parse beatmap by beatmap ID or custom file URL.
Beatmap parsing options.
Parsed beatmap.
Downloads replay file and tries to parse a score from it. Returns null if parsing was not successful.
Score parsing options.
Parsed score.
Converts unknown input to mod combination.
Original input.
Target ruleset ID.
Mod combination.
Converts raw difficulty attributes to real difficulty attributes.
Raw difficulty attributes.
Difficulty attributes instance.
Filters mods from combination to get only difficulty mods.
Original mods.
Target ruleset ID.
Difficulty mods.
Converts score information object to score information instance.
Converted score information.
Overwrites circle size of a beatmap with custom one.