Interface ISpinnableObject

A hit object.

interface ISpinnableObject {
    duration: number;
    endTime: number;
    hitSound: HitSound;
    hitType: HitType;
    hitWindows: HitWindows;
    samples: HitSample[];
    startTime: number;
    clone(): IHitObject;

Hierarchy (view full)


duration: number

The duration of the hit object.

endTime: number

The time at which the hit object ends.

hitSound: HitSound

Hit sound data of this hit object.

hitType: HitType

Hit type data of this hit object.

hitWindows: HitWindows

Hit windows of this hit object.

samples: HitSample[]

Samples of this hit object.

startTime: number

The time at which hit object starts.
