Total accuracy of the play.
Beatmap of the play.
Beatmap MD5 hash.
Beatmap ID.
Number of 100s in standard, 150s in Taiko, 100s in CTB, 100s in mania.
Number of 300s.
Number of 50s in standard, small fruit in CTB, 50s in mania.
Number of Gekis in standard, Max 300s in mania.
Number of Katus in standard, 200s in mania.
Number of misses.
The date when this play was set.
A score ID.
Max combo of the play.
Mods of the play.
Whether the map was passed or not.
Perfect combo or not?
A rank of the play.
Raw mods of the play.
Ruleset instance.
Ruleset ID of the play.
Hit statistics.
Total hits of a score.
The performance of the play.
Total score of the play.
User ID of the player who set this play.
Username of the player who set this play.
Converts this score information to JSON.
Score information convertible to JSON.
A score information.