Interface IRuleset

A ruleset.

interface IRuleset {
    id: number;
    applyToBeatmap(beatmap): RulesetBeatmap;
    applyToBeatmapWithMods(beatmap, mods?): RulesetBeatmap;
    applyToReplay(replay, beatmap?): Replay;
    createDifficultyCalculator(beatmap): DifficultyCalculator<DifficultyAttributes>;
    createModCombination(input?): ModCombination;
    createPerformanceCalculator(attributes?, score?): PerformanceCalculator;
    resetMods(beatmap): RulesetBeatmap;

Implemented by


id: number

Ruleset ID.


  • Applies ruleset to a replay. Converts legacy replay frames to ruleset specific frames.


    • replay: IReplay

      The replay.

    • Optional beatmap: IBeatmap

      The beatmap of the replay which is used to get some data.

    Returns Replay

    A new instance of the replay with applied ruleset.

  • Creates a new mod combination by converting legacy mod bitwise or string acronyms.


    • Optional input: string | number

      Mod bitwise or string acronyms.

    Returns ModCombination

    A new mod combination.