Interface IHasComboInformation

A hit object that is part of a combo and has extended information about its position relative to other combo objects.

interface IHasComboInformation {
    comboIndex: number;
    comboIndexWithOffsets: number;
    comboOffset: number;
    currentComboIndex: number;
    isNewCombo: boolean;
    lastInCombo: boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


comboIndex: number

The index of this combo in relation to the beatmap.

comboIndexWithOffsets: number

The index of this combo in relation to the beatmap, with applied combo offset. This should be used instead of original combo index only when retrieving combo colors from the beatmap's skin.

comboOffset: number

When starting a new combo, the offset of the new combo relative to the current one.

currentComboIndex: number

The index of this hit object in the current combo.

isNewCombo: boolean

Whether the hit object starts a new combo.

lastInCombo: boolean

Whether this is the last object in the current combo.