Class DifficultyPoint

A difficulty point.

Hierarchy (view full)



bpmMultiplier: number = 1

Legacy BPM multiplier that introduces floating-point errors for rulesets that depend on it. DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS 100% SURE.

generateTicks: boolean = true

Whether or not slider ticks should be generated at this control point. This exists for backwards compatibility with maps that abuse NaN slider velocity behavior on osu!stable (e.g. /b/2628991).

group: null | ControlPointGroup

The group to which a control point belongs.

isLegacy: boolean = false

Indicates whether this difficulty control point should be considered as legacy or not.

pointType: ControlPointType = ControlPointType.DifficultyPoint

The type of a difficulty point.

sliderVelocityUnlimited: number = 1

The real slider velocity of this difficulty point without any limits as it was in osu!stable. Usage of sliderVelocity is preferable when working with osu!lazer.

default: DifficultyPoint = ...

The default instance of a difficulty point.

